No player shall participate in practice or games until the following has been received by the organization. We will be using National Sports ID. Once your player is assigned, your manager will send you a link to join the team and add your paperwork.

Registration fee- has been paid by participant or waived by the area.

 Medical Release- A written medical release not more than 12 months old allowing for participation in sports activities. You can use this Medical Release Form or one from your physician clearing your player for sports. 

** Please Note: A school registration form, i.e. from Infinite Campus with birthdate, 2023-2024 grade, and address will cover all required paperwork below. 

Proof of age- Accepted forms of verification are school district student demographic documents containing all this information or copy of birth certificate, passport, government issued identification card. 

 Proof of grade- Accepted forms of verification are school district student demographic documents with the 2023/2024 school years grade .

Proof of residency-Accepted forms of verification are school district student demographic documents containing all this information or  government issued identification card and utility bill.

 The Parent's Code of Ethics Form Release of liability is received Release of Liability Form were completed upon registration.